Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sell to three Categories of Executive

For all major initiatives, a company will need to get concensus or buy-in from several categories of executives. I say categories because I want to avoid the use of "levels" (Executive level, administrative level, etc.). The fact is, all people want to feel important and they are (in their own way). They do want want to be "leveled"!

Why three categories? It is easy to understand why three when you look at what each group looks for or desires in order to be a supporter of an initiative.

The IT and HR category (lets color them GREEN) primarily deal with SUPPORTING the INFRASTRUCTURE of a company. Your need to hire people and administer them etc. and for IT - well, every company has technology and a need to manage systems and networks, security etc. GREEN executives (CIO, VP of HR) look at a project primarily from a Total Cost of Ownership standpoint. So, when selling to them, show the value to them as lower TCO and you will resonate with them.

Next is OPERATIONS. We'll color them YELLOW. (VP of SALES, CMO, VP of Manufacturing, etc.). Yellow executives are interested in OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS. Show them how to improve efficiency and effectiveness and how to reduce cycle times and you will see interest.

Of course, what is left is the ORGANIZATIONAL category. CEO, CFO, COO and BOD. These folks are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the company. We'll color them Red. When selling to red, highlight RETURN ON ASSETS. Make sure your proposal makes specific references to improving the income statement and the balance sheet and you will see smiles on the faces of RED CATEGORY executives.

MOST ALL COMPANIES I INTERVIEW FAIL TO RECOGNIZE THe DIFFERENCE and therefore their proposals are so braod and generic they are not specific for anyone. This leads to longer sales cycles and the buyers NOT GETTING FUNDING for VERY GOOD initiatives.

BOTTOM LINE- HELP YOUR CUSTOMERS sell your proposal internally because they strggle with Red, Yellow and Green just like you do.

For more info on HOW Certified Knowledge-Advantage students do this intentionally on a single sheet of paper, take a look at and download the free book Dimensions of Success.

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