Thursday, March 4, 2010

Monetizing Sales and Marketing Investments


Monetizing Investment in Sales and Marketing

More and more pressure is being placed on Demand Creation- both Sellers and Marketers- to generate qualified leads that hopefully lead to net new logos. Metrics are being gathered and analyzed to know how many leads were converted to a sale and everything in between on the sales "process" flowchart.

CSO Insights offers an annual research paper detailing industry averages for ratios such as leads-to-presentation, presentation-to-proposal, and proposal-to-close.

The industry is not at a loss for vendors peddling their sales and marketing automation wares. Suffice it to say that with CRM advancements, key activities can be tracked and measured. Except one. The Engagement Process.

In an article written by Tony Jaros, Sirius Decisions, he illuminates the "why not" around sales and marketing practices.

"Ask the engineers at General Electric how to manufacture jet engines, and you'll get a set of documents detailing a painstaking process followed by everyone with razor-like precision. Ask the software designers at Microsoft how they built Windows, and you'll get a hard-and-fast list of code provided in stepwise fashion. But ask these same companies the process they use to sell their jet engines, software or services, and you'll likely get as many different answers as people you ask."

While part of this may be true for some companies, over 93% lack a defined engagement process that can be taught, monitored, measured, and hold people accountable with full transparency.

Why not? Some say that a manager cannot be on every call with the rep and rationalize that the verbal debrief is effective.We call this subjective. Some say that selling has its own "style" and should not be disturbed by "scripted" or "canned" pitches. We couldn’t disagree more. Some say that every buyer is unique and requires slightly differing approaches and therefore intuition. We say intuition cannot be taught.

If your goal is to improve Demand Creation and Demand Monitoring in order to monetize investments and improve results, all the automation in the world will only report bad news from a flawed or non-existent Engagement Process.

Knowledge Advantage's Dimensions of Success Engagement Process will help your team "jet" to the top with the reliability and effectiveness of a GE Aircraft engine!

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